How to have Gaelic Added to Your School's Curriculum
The following are steps that you can take in order to have Gaelic included in the curriculum of your or your child's school. It may take time and hard work, however these are tried and true steps to help make it happen.
Determine and Demonstrate Interest
Talk to other parents and students to create a working group;
Gather letters of support, identify influencers, and staff responsible for program delivery;
Circulate a survey, if appropriate, to gage school and community support;
Advise the Minister of Gaelic Affairs of the goal to introduce Gaelic language into the school and request a letter of support.
Bring a Request to Administrators and Advisory Councils
Prepare and present a report to your local school advisory council detailing your goal of having Gaelic language included in your school’s curriculum;
Inform the school advisory council and administration that support within the school community, and broader community has been established. Be sure to include any prominent groups or individuals by name (i.e. Comhairle na Gàidhlig or the Minister of Gaelic Affairs).
Help Administrators
Work to identify a potential Gaelic teacher who is a certified to teach in the public school system in Nova Scotia. This may be difficult as there are a limited number of certified teachers in the province at present;
Reach out to the Celtic Studies Departments and Schools of Education at St. FX or Cape Breton University to help identify potencial candidates;
Funding is available at St.FX to support the training of Gaelic teachers, the Neil and Marianne Joy MacLean Memorial Gaelic Teacher Bursary.
Communicate your efforts with your school administrators and advisory council.
Keep Pushing
Do not stop advocacy work and maintain lines of communication with school administration and your community supporters;
Once a Gaelic teacher is in place, remain engaged and offer support to Gaelic programming in whatever ways are appropriate;
Share good news stories about Gaelic education in Nova Scotia both before and after a teacher is appointed.
If you have any questions feel free to send us an email at: